Spirituality, Science, Religion - Quantum Entanglement, Soulmates, Past Lives. Is It All Connected?

 No matter where we're going

I'll be by your side

And everything we used to know

Crashed into the great unknown

One step closer

We're gonna be alright

'Cause even underneath the waves

I'll be holding onto you

And even if you slip away

I'll be there to fall

Into the dark to chase your heart

No distance could ever tear us apart

There's nothing that I wouldn't do

I'll find my way back to you

On my way, now

Don't give up on me

And no one knows what

What tomorrow brings

These weary eyes will never rest

Until they look in yours again

I'm on my way now

I still believe 

- Find My Way Back by Eric Arjes, released in November of 2015 

I first heard this song during Episode 16 of Season 5 of Teen Wolf - yes, that show again. It plays during a scene when Stiles (you knew that name was coming, ha) rushes in to save Lydia from a terrible situation. Since then, the song has kind of become synonymous with the 'Stydia' relationship in my mind. It is a gorgeous song and the lyrics are very powerful. 

Before I get to deep into this, let me pose a few questions - questions I want you to keep in the back of your mind as you read through this... 

Do you believe in Soulmates? I am not just talking romantic. I am talking someone that you have a deep, unexplainable connection to. And not necessarily between family. What if it's a connection to a good friend? Or even someone that you don't know. 

What about past lives? Have you ever given any thought to those? 

I have touched on my beliefs and spirituality, here and there, throughout these blogs. I have talked about my struggles with faith and belief. I have talked about the steps I have been taking to find myself in that spirituality. And how music, dancing, singing, and writing have a played a huge role. 

Every religion and spirituality has its own beliefs or non-beliefs on these topics. 

Normal Christianity - the good kind - believe in a God that is benevolent, a bit judgmental yet loving, nonetheless. I grew up in this religion. There is quite a bit of good there. And there are many amazing, loving, accepting people in it. Their God believes in loving everyone and in acceptance of all and forgiving those that wrong you or make a mistake - you know, being a human. They don't believe in past lives, though. As for Soulmates, they believe that you find that through Christ. 

Christian Nationalists - the not good kind - believe in a God full of hate and wrath and judgment. Their God loves power and money and people that are cookie cutters of each other. Their God abhors anyone that is different or brave or that has a heart and knows how to use it. They don't believe in past lives. I'm not sure these people even have souls, much less soulmates. 

Admittedly, I don't know as much about the Jewish God as I would like, but he seems compassionate and loving and all about Free Will. What I do know is that the Jewish people I know are some of the sweetest, most fun, funniest, most accepting people that. As far as I can tell, most branches don't believe in past lives. But they do believe in the romantic version of soulmates.

The Pagan and Spiritual religions get a bit more complex to talk about. In most pantheons, there are many Gods and lesser deities - each serving their own purpose. I have a tendency to lean more toward the belief in multiple deities. For me, taking in regard what I have seen and experienced throughout my life, it makes the most sense. Most of them do believe in past lives and soulmates. 

I believe in both - not in the way most religions do, though. But I'll get into my beliefs, shortly. 

5 big religions that believe in reincarnation are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Kabbalah Judaism. Hinduism and Jainism believe that you can be reincarnated as any life form - be it vegetable, plant, animal, or human. Buddhism, Sikhism, and Kabbalah Judaism believe that you are reincarnated as a new person, to put it simply. Also - still keeping it simple - the hows and whys and length vary from each belief. 

As far as soulmates, most people that believe in them, believe that it is the one person that you are destined to spend your life with, in the romantic partnership way. 

For me, reincarnation and soulmates go hand in hand. And is somewhat different than what I described above. 

I was listening to 'Find My Way Back' - the song quoted above - the other day, when this weird feeling hit me. I had the thought about soulmates and past lives and how some people believe - not just in reincarnation - but that we meet and travel with many of the same souls in each life. 

I am one of these people. For me, soulmate has always been about finding 'my people', the people that I have traveled all my lives with. The people that know the whole truth of my heart and soul, because they have always been there. I know them just as intimately. 

It has never been just a romantic thing, or belief, for me. 

I also believe that I have been a human in each life. Every past life memory I have, I am a human. And I do have many memories of past lives - a few surrounding some pretty significant historical events. Some much more simple and peaceful. 

I have always had these weird connections to people - some that are in my life and some are not. It's like a weird intuition - for lack of better word - about information about people that I have no business knowing. A few days, or even hours, later I'll learn that I was right. This is just something that has always been in me for as long as I can remember. 

I had to suppress this part of me during my last relationship. She did NOT like me having an insight into anyone's mind or feelings or whatever. I realize now, that she didn't want me having an insight into her, either. I have to wonder if this is not one of the reasons I suffered the level of depression I did these last few years. 

I was denying an important part of myself. By doing that, did I cause myself such spiritual pain that I caused the suffering and emotional and mental break down that I went through. 

Lately, I have been having some very 'out of the box' things going on in my life. This song and these thoughts made me start wondering if a few of these souls are about to find me in this life. 

Maybe that is why I have been having the deja vu and the dreams that I have been having. And why I have been feeling emotions that I don't quite know where they came from or what they mean. 

The fact that I am about to make some very major and significant changes in my life all leads me to think that I may just be on the right track. 

There is actually a scientific theory surrounding this kind of phenomenon called Quantum Entanglement. Space.com defines it as 'a bizarre, counterintuitive phenomenon that explains how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one will affect the other.' 


Einstein called it 'spooky action at a distance.' Suffice it to say that he was not a believer. As I am sure that most people are not. 

But humor my insanity, here. 

In science, this theory used to refer to small particles like atoms and electrons. However, over the last several decades, Scientists have discovered that it also works in objects just visible to the naked eye. 

So why not the human brain? 

The brain is made of matter and functions on chemical and electrical signals. They say that most humans only use a small part of their brain. So why can't it be possible for this Quantum Entanglement to exist in the brain? And why can't the ability be tied to both science and spirituality? 

So, what's the lesson in that? Do we spend each life just trying to make our way back to each other? And how does Quantum Entanglement and Spirituality figure in? 

The answers are a bit complex.

I believe that, while we meet many different souls during each life, only a few special ones go with us through each life. Every soul that we encounter is meant to teach us something - not only about ourselves, but about the world around us and the people in it.

But those few special souls, once we find them, they stay a part of our lives for the remainder of it. They are meant to help us and guide us. To be there for support and strength and laughter and love. All to help each other earn the right to that truly final place of rest. These are the souls that we are truly and completely connected to. And we recognize each other on first site. 

The new souls are meant to challenge us, teach us a minor lesson, and to remind us what is truly important. Souls that we have to wade through in order to find 'our people'. Like any good lesson with a worthy reward, we must face challenges, lessons, and road blocks. 

These lessons are meant to teach us the importance of this gift called Life. I bet every single person reading this can think of a time when they forgot just how precious this life is. And just how lucky they are to have been given it. We all know at least one person that is stuck in that cycle, right now. 

We get so caught up in the pain and the loss and the anxiety and the depression, that we forget to ask why we are even here in the first place. We forget to remind ourselves that the pain and loss are meant to teach us and guide us to the ones that will not cause us those things. 

We need to experience those negative things so that we can learn to spot them. So that we can recognize those that do not cause those feelings in us. We need to know the difference between a false sense of security and false love, and the true feeling of peace and safety and real love. Not just romantic love, but unconditional love in both romance and friendship. 

I do believe that there is an ultimate reward. I mean, there has to be a point to living life and having to go through all of this - both good and bad - right?! Whether that reward is Paradise or Heaven or Valhalla or The Otherworld or The Underworld or wherever - it is a reward that we must earn. It cannot be earned in just one life. There are too many things to learn, too many things to understand, too many negatives to shed. That takes multiple lives. 

Bringing us to the spiritual side of this.

I also believe that we cannot get there until all of our people are ready. That is why we have to work so hard to find each other in each life. It is part of the lesson. We must help each other learn those lessons. Then we will be able to move onto that final reward and spend eternity in that place of safety, peace, and love. Together. 

That is where Quantum Entanglement come in. Our innate ability to recognize each other, to find each other - it starts with that unexplainable connection. That intuition that we do not understand. That is our guide. Everyone has it. It is just stronger in some of us. Most people don't recognize it for what it is, so they explain it away as dreams or deja vu. 

On the tv show, Fringe - in Episode 18 of Season 2 - Peter Bishop, played by the phenomenally talented and oh-so-sexy Joshua Jackson, says "I read that deja vu is fates way of telling you that you are exactly where you're supposed to be. That's why you feel like you've been there before. You are right in line with your own destiny." And that is one of the most beautiful definitions of Quantum Entanglement that I have ever read. 

Speaking of Fringe, it is a show that I have loved since it premiered back in 2008. I mean, we had Joshua Jackson starring in a Sci-Fi show about weird things that happen with the mind, consciousness, and subconsciousness. All things that I know and love and am fascinated by. It had been on my list of things to rewatch when I have the time. 

Until a month ago... 

Out of nowhere, this relentless desire to rewatch it began to build in me. So I started the rewatch. At first, I thought it was just because I was getting excited about Josh's new show that is coming at the end of April. And that could be it. 

But could it also have anything to do with my reawakening knowledge of Quantum Entanglement and my lifelong fascination with my Past Lives? They do talk about that on the show. And the show is about how extraordinary the mind is. And about accessing those parts of the brain that we allow to stay dormant. 

Then again, it could just be a coincidence ... Right... 

Originally posted on April 10, 2023

UPDATE - Everything in this blog is still so very true. If anything, my beliefs in Past Lives and Quantum Entanglement are even stronger. My love of history and science and spirituality continue to be strong and overlap. I continue to have the weird dreams and intuitions. And I continued to be guided by 'something'. Since completely opening myself back up to my gifts and talents, life has been so very interesting. 


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