Ohio Issue 1, a Woman's right to decide, and my own story

 Normally, I would post lyrics from a song or quotes from interviews that pertain to the topic of the blog, right here. But that didn't feel right for this one. Instead, I will give you the following links. The first two are about Issue 1 and the third is an article about women who have had abortions. 




The fact that this is even a debate and that I feel compelled to write on it, is an insult. I am deeply ashamed of every single woman that is opposed to this bill. 

Let me explain. 

Just like in many other states, the tyrannical Republican party decided that women were no longer worthy or intelligent enough to make decisions about their own bodies or lives. Ohio is now putting this to a vote on our November ballot. Somehow, this branch of government seems to think it is okay to allow the public to decide if any woman in Ohio should be allowed to make the decision on whether to keep a pregnancy or not. 

They are seriously calling into question, and allowing the public to decide, if we are allowed life saving medical treatments. This includes operations if something goes wrong with pregnancy or delivery. 

No one's right to choose what is right for them should EVER be put to a vote of public opinion. It is no one else's business what I do with my body. A woman's right to exist as a free woman or their intelligence to know what is best for them should NEVER be questioned by anyone else! Nor should what is right for them be someone else's decision. 

This topic is very personal to me and puts me in the unique position of being able to speak on this from experience. No, I have never had an abortion. However, I was in a position where that being an option, and the decision being up to me and only me, was very important. I don't talk about what I went through, very often. It's not a secret. People know. It's just something I don't bring up. I think it's, mostly, to protect my oldest son. Even though he also knows, I don't know how he would feel about me talking about it. Because it is not just my story. It's his, also. 

Without getting too detailed, I was 19 years old and in a very traumatic marriage. It was during this time that I got pregnant with my son. But I did not get pregnant by my husband. Of course, I did not know that for sure, until after my son was born. 

A guy I worked with saw an opportunity to take advantage of a young girl who was already broken and bruised - literally and figuratively. When I found out that I was pregnant I was terrified. I knew the father was, either, my angry, abusive husband or my narcissistic, lying co-worker. I had no idea what to do. 

I had not told anyone what had happened to me. When I found out I was pregnant, I was even more ashamed and scared. I kept the truth to myself for a few months. Not a good idea, as it made me very sick. I'm talking way beyond morning sickness sick. Eventually, people started to question that something was wrong and I began to talk. Support was very low, but everyone had advice. Mostly, that I should abort the baby. 

I had already been thinking about that. But I kept coming back to a few thoughts. 

First, was the memory of being told that I couldn't have kids. Second, was the memory of the daughter I had lost the year before. Third, was the thought that it was not this baby's fault - no matter which guy was the father - this child did not ask for either. I went back and forth for awhile. Ultimately, I decided that I was going to keep the baby. I already loved him and I was determined that I would give him a good life. 

I may have decided that an abortion was not the answer for me. But knowing that I had choices, that I could take the time to decide what was right for me - was comforting. Something I desperately needed in those long, lonely months. 

But what about the women and girls who cannot make the decision I did? For whatever their reasons, what if abortion is the right answer for them? What happens to them if this bill fails? I'll tell you - they will be trapped in a situation they may not be equipped to deal with; emotionally, mentally, financially, or any other way. They will get desperate and go looking for illegal answers, causing so much more damage to themselves - including death. It will be ugly and devastating and it will be the fault of the American people that failed them by failing a bill that could have helped them. 

What about the women who suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth?

When I was losing my daughter, the only thing that saved me was being able to get the medical care that I needed. Had I not had that right, had access to the necessary and life saving measures my doctor had to take, I would have died with my daughter. 

If this bill fails, too many women will suffer the fate that I was saved from. 

In the last 8 years, I have grown more and more disgusted with the Republican Party. Before Trump and his minions started bringing America closer to our next Civil War, I considered myself right in the middle of both parties. There were things that I agreed and disagreed with on both sides. But what the Republican Party has become - a party of judgment and hate and narcissism - leaves me disgusted and angry. Since the overturning of Roe v Wade, and now all of this - that anger and disgust continues to build. 

As a member of more than one of the communities that the Republican Party has been viciously attacking - and with a son as a member of another, and many friends in the others - I long ago gave up being silent about how I feel about what is happening. As those Conservatives and Christian Nationalists get louder and more hateful, I will get louder and angrier. 

But this one - we can do something about this one in less than a month. Ohio - we must pass Issue 1! For the health and safety and mental health of all girls and women. 

Originally posted October 17, 2023

UPDATE - Thankfully, Issue 1 did pass last November. But they are not giving up. The Republicans, not just in Ohio, have so many other disgusting and pathetic bills on the table. But that is a blog for another day. We must stay vigilant, otherwise the GOP will turn this country into a Dystopian nation. They have been upfront about the fact that that IS their goal. 


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