The Call of New York City

 Central Park, East and West

I will leave my mark.

Pack my bags and I'll embark

On a single city. 

How you gonna live?

What you gonna do?

Nobody else is looking out for you.

Who you gonna call?

What you gonna say, yeah?

How you gonna live?

What you gonna do?

Nobody else is looking out for you?

- Single City, written by Michael Mott from his album Abandoned Heart released on September 15, 2017 and performed by Lauren Allred and released as a Remix Single on May 18, 2018 and performed by Matt Doyle

I have loved this song for 2 years. Since first being introduced to Michael's music back in 2020, this song has ranked as one of my favorites. But it became even more special to me, several months ago, when Michael played it during one of his Instagram Lives. 

If I remember correctly, Michael started the live by greeting us, as he does, and asking what we were all up to. And me - being the little social butterfly that I am - I commented that I was working on my Dystopian novel. Someone else watching responded to my comment and we joked about making it a movie or musical. Michael, seeing this exchange, asked about it. So I wrote that I had destroyed most of America, except NYC, and my rebels were working on trying to fix their world. Michael then mentioned this song as being a good soundtrack for it. Then proceeded to play and sing it for us. 

Now, Michael is a very busy guy and - as I said - this was months ago. I am just one of his many fans, so he probably does not remember this. But it was a special moment for me and it meant the world to me. 

I have been talking about moving to New York City for about 2 years now. For most people that know me, this seem to come out of nowhere. I have been asked many times why I want to go there and where did this desire come from. 

There is more than one answer to those questions. 

For my whole life, I have felt out of place here in Ohio. While I have had friends here, I never really had a group that was anything like me or had much in common with me. I was always the different one, the hippie chick, the unique one, the weird one, the one no one really understood or knew how to react to. Even in high school, I did not fit into any one clique (as we called them back in the day). I talked to people in every group, drifting from one to the other with my mood, but I never belonged. 

Funnily enough, I have found I fit in better with the online friendships I have cultivated over the last couple years. Many of whom live in NYC. 

Speaking of... 

The first time I went to New York City - in September of 2000 - it was like coming home. The minute I stepped onto Broadway, I knew I belonged there. I have been a fan of musicals and theatre since I was a child, and being there was a dream come true. Since that first trip, I have been back 5 or 6 times - between 2000 and 2008. And each time was magical. 

Being in Times Square was amazing. All the lights and colors and movement, it's like being in another world. A world of life and action and craziness and beauty. A world where I actually fit in, where I belong, where I can actually matter. 

Feeling the thrum of the city coursing through my body was intoxicating. I could hear the city calling my name louder and louder, each time. And when I saw my first Broadway show, in 2007 - Spring Awakening for those of you that are new here - I was completely enthralled. I knew that, someday, this world would be mine. 

But it wasn't just Broadway, The Theatre District, and Times Square that felt like home. It was the Statue of Liberty, The Twin Towers - then later Ground Zero and One World Trade Center - Central Park, The Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center - and the Christmas Tree - The Met, and everything else that makes NYC so special. 

In the years since my last visit, the city has continued to haunt my dreams and my heart. Any time I hear a song about the city or watch a movie or show that takes place there, I can hear the city call my name. 

I am currently writing 2 books that take place there. 

One is the aforementioned Dystopian novel. An unknown biological occurrence has killed off most Americans. Most survivors have been corralled into complexes and ruled with an iron fist by the leading tyrant - an ex leader of what was once the USA - who has set up his base in NYC. A band of refugees, mostly former Theatre actors, have formed a rebel alliance and spent the 5 years since the event trying to figure out what happened, who caused it, and why they survived. And how they can take that person down and set the world right. 

The second one is a romance - I know, shocking coming from me. It's about a group of friends that happen to be theatre actors, and the ins and outs of being in that profession while wading through the trials of maintaining relationships and dealing with past traumas and finding and accepting love. Kind of a typical romance novel with some twists thrown in. Honestly, it is better than I am making it sound. I am great at writing, not so great at explaining what I am writing about. 

Since both books involve the theatre world, you just know many of my characters are influenced by my favorite real life performers. I wont say more about the books. You'll have to read them, once they are out, to learn more - and see if you can figure out who influenced each character. 

I also hear so much of 'But New York is so expensive.' And, while that is true, the cost of living is high everywhere. Even here in Ohio, the cost has been going up.

I am always amused when people try to use the cost as a reason to discourage me. Seriously people, I am not an idiot. One reason I did not make the rash decision to just pick up and go, is because I am taking the time to research neighborhoods and jobs and cost of living. Everything a person needs to consider and know and plan for before moving states. 

I am putting in the time to make the right decisions before I go rushing into a new life.

Let me be clear, as critical as I am of Ohio and it's politics and judgment and prejudices, I do not hate it. Living here has made me who I am. It has taught me so much, it really has given me so much. And it is a beautiful state. It is the people that make it so hard to live here. This state stands against everything that I am. It is not my true home. 

What it boils down to is that I have spent all of my life trying to fit into a place that is just too small for me. I made the most of the story that was written for me. But now, this story is coming to an end. It is time for me to start writing the next one. 

Originally posted on December 18, 2022

UPDATE - Though the death of my mom changed how I had planned for this last year to go, it's okay. Everything happens for a reason, right. I am still moving - hopefully by the fall. And I am still planning to go the New York area, but I may end up in New Jersey, instead. I am still researching neighborhoods and jobs and stuff. But my grief and all the new responsibilities I ended up with here, set things back. But I am almost back on track and getting excited again. Also, I am still working on the Dystopian. All that's left is writing the ending and then edits and then getting it to readers. But the romance is on the back burner. I started writing a new one, that I am calling a Past Lives Romance. This one came to me partially in a dream and partially out of nowhere. And it has really been pulling on me, so there has been a lot of focus there. And, it does take place in NYC, as well. 


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