Hey Ladies! What's the Big Deal about Getting Older?

 "There's so much misogynist chatter in response to us, that would never Happen. About. A. Man. 'Gray hair, gray hair, gray hair. Does she have gray hair?' I'm sitting with Andy Cohen, and he has a full head of gray hair, and he's exquisite. Why is it okay for him? I don't know what to tell you people! Especially on social media. Everyone has something to say. 'She has too many wrinkles, she doesn't have enough wrinkles.' It almost feels as if people don't want us to be perfectly okay with where we are, as if they almost enjoy us being pained by who we are, today, whether we choose to age naturally and not look perfect, or whether you do something if that makes you feel better. I know what I look like. I have no choice. What am I going to do about it? Stop aging? Disappear?" - Sarah Jessica Parker, Vogue Interview, November 2021

I have never been someone who gave much thought to age. To me, it has always just been a number pointing out how many years that I have lived this life. 

I never understood why women seem to be so afraid of getting older. And, as I get older, I am even more confused by it. The whole Botox thing and hatred of wrinkles and grey hair just makes no sense. And that whole 'A real lady never tells her age' crap. I mean, SERIOUSLY?! 

I never understood why the entertainment world - well, most of society - seem to think it is such a big deal. I mean, it's cool for men to get older and show it. A man with grey hair is sexy. But a woman with grey hair is gross. Who made up that rule?? 

Let me just say that I am 46 years old and I am so proud of that. 

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Megan, there's no way. You don't look that old." And then you're thinking "Of course you're not worried about how old you look."

And there may be some truth to that. I know that I am blessed to look younger than my years. I get compliments and questions about it way more than one would think. 

But a bigger reason is that I never thought I would see 30 years old, much less 46. Just ask my ex. He can tell you that I spent my 29th year of life obsessed with the whole idea. I am pretty sure that is one of the things that led to the demise of that relationship. 

I, also, think of the friends that I have lost over the years. They will never get old. Julie and Ben will never get the opportunity to have wrinkles or grey hair. I guess, because of them, I always thought of getting older as an honor. I enjoy getting older for them. If that makes sense. 

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with coloring your hair. Most women do for one reason or another. I color mine because I get bored, easily. And because my natural color is a weird dirty blonde/light brown/red combination that I used to hate. The last time I let my hair go natural, though, I ended up really liking it and kept it for almost a year. 

I am not judging people that decide Botox, or any other kind of work, is right for them. We all do things to make us feel better about ourselves. And that is definitely okay. I guess, what I am saying is that if you are making those changes for you, then go for it, girl. Do you! 

But if you are making those changes because you are afraid society will not accept you at your age, then please don't do it. 

Ladies, we cannot live for society. We cannot spend all of our time worrying about what they think of us or if they are judging us because of our age. We need to make society - all of society, not just the Entertainment World - understand that older women are beautiful and sexy, too. And that our value and worth is just as important as younger women. 

We need to make them understand that our age does not make us less. In fact, it makes us so much more. 

Originally posted on October 10, 2022

UPDATE - I am still very much against society shaming women for aging. Since I originally posted this, a movement has started among older Hollywood Stars to fight against the ageism taking place in the Entertainment World. (And no, I do not think my blog had anything to do with that. But how cool would that be, if it did.) This is a movement that I am very much a supporter of and hope to be a bigger part of, soon. 


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